Printing and Graphic Design Blog

TPI Solutions Ink Blog: Christmas cards - that time of year again!

By Carrie Grove | Thu, Nov 11, 2010

This morning, as I sat down at my desk at TPI Solutions Ink, I realized that we are almost half way through the month of November. . . yikes! Of course that thought brought me to my next thought which was. . .OMG Christmas and Hanukkah are right around the corner (Hanukkah much more so than Christmas)! I don't know about you but I still endeavor, each and every year, to send out a holiday card (in my case a Christmas card), printed with a photo of my kids and sometimes the pets either printed on the card or included in it.

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TPI Solutions Ink Blog: Pantone Color; did you know . . .?

By Carrie Grove | Fri, Nov 05, 2010

Truly, you learn something new every day. Over the past three days I was reminded of just that.  

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Custom Printed Stationery a.k.a. Movie Props for "The Town"

By Carrie Grove | Wed, Sep 22, 2010

It really never occurred to me before, all that goes into the making of a movie. Yes, of course, we all know movies have mega budgets spending millions of dollars to make a two hour flick. However, if you're like me, you may not have ever given a lot of thought as to what exactly do these movie makers spend those millions on?

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