It has been quite a while since my last blog post, what is motivating me to post today is the passing of my 93 year old grandfather, Abraham Spurrell (a.k.a. Abe, Grampy, or Grampy Abe). Abe started our small family owned printing company, Technical Publications, Inc., with a cousin back in 1963. Shortly after that my father, Jim Spurrell, right out of high school, joined him and the two grew the company into the successful printing business that it is today, TPI Solutions Ink. Today my brother Dan Spurrell and I run the company, we're the third generation doing this crazy thing called print and graphic design. What can I runs through our veins thanks to Grampy and Dad.
Abe was a kind, sweet and often goofy guy who was a hard worker, a dedicated father and husband and most of all loved his family. He came to work every day until he was 80, no retiring for this guy! My grandfather worked in the pre-press area, bindery and shipping departments for the most part. He taught me everything I know about shooting negatives in the darkroom (yeah we did that back in the day), working in the bindery on the cutter, folders and other finishing equipment as well as how to run the shipping department. Along with teaching me these areas of the printing business he often had many words of wisdom over the years, especially with regard to family and life. I cherish those words, and as I get older I have a better understanding of them.
At 80, by necessity, he stayed at home to care for my grandmother who battled dementia for the last five years of her life. And, as he said to me just about every time I saw or spoke with him, "it's not easy getting old". I will miss his kind spirit and his playfulness around the youngest members of our family but I know he will always be close to my heart and kept in my fondest memories. I am happy to know that he is now with the one that he loved and missed the most, my Nana. I bet she's making him his favorite dinner and they are sharing a nice hot cup of tea, cheers.
Rest in Peace Grampy xoxoxo