Printing Your Story – Self-Publishing a Book


Secretly I have dreamt of becoming a famous author. I just think that it would be so cool to come up with an amazingly creative and riveting piece of fiction, print it on paper, bind it and then sell it to the masses. I am in awe of and I truly admire authors like J.K. Rowlings and Jodi Picoult to name two. What a gift to be able to create such interesting characters that come to life in the vivid stories that they weave, all the while earning a fantastic, even outrageous, income. My dream profession and title . . . “Famous Author”.self publishing author

The exciting news . . . today we can all be that “famous author”, or at least feel like one within our circle of family and friends. How? Publish your own book! Printing a book today does not necessarily require a deal with a large publishing company. If you have the desire and the dream go for it! Online today you will find a variety of companies that have self publishing services available. I know people who have used these services successfully and have been happy with the end result. This is certainly an option. However, if you would like to have more control over your project including human contact and guidance I recommend working with a local printing company. A few benefits of working with a local printer:

        • visit the plant and meet the staff
        • personal service and guidance
        • see stock choices
        • review a physical proof
        • ability to make adjustments

Digital printing and technology in general is really changing the face of publishing today. Now an author can write, design and layout a book on their home computer providing they have the proper software and knowledge. Then they can have their book printed on demand at their local printing company. At TPI we do all of our digital printing on our HP Indigo 5500 press. The beauty of on demand digital printing is that the author can publish one book, twenty books or five hundred books based on the exact quantity desired at that time. The ability to print small quantities is save with digital printinggreat for a few reasons.

      • See how well the book sells before buying a large quantity.
      • Make edits and reprint without wasting hundreds of copies.
      • Buy only the amount you need to stay within your budget.
      • Publish a book as a family gift.


Over the years TPI Solutions Ink, our printing company in Waltham, MA, has had the opportunity tobook printing work with some wonderful clients who self-publish. The books we have printed run the gamut, from self help books and manuals to art books and memoirs. Working with the client is always a fun process. We find it very rewarding to be a part of making someone's vision a reality. We take as much pride in the printing of the final book as the author takes in the writing of it. Therefore the end product is fantastic.

For those of you who are aspiring authors out there I hope I have gotten your wheels turning. Now may be the time for you to take that brilliant idea off the shelf. Need funding to get your project rolling? If so, you may want to give crowd funding a shot. Our client Chris Piascik is a crowd funding success story. Chris raised funds to print his book “1000 Days of Drawing” on Kickstarter. Chris' project was 329% funded! TPI Solutions Ink had the pleasure of printing the book on our HP Indigo back in April. Since then Chris has received several awards for this collection of his daily drawings. Not sure about Kickstarter? There are other crowd funding sites out there, check them all out to see which one is the best fit for you. Where there’s a will there’s a way, so the saying goes!

When you are ready to become that famous author you have always dreamt of being be sure to give us a call 888-899-4657!


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About The Author

Carrie is currently the President and Co-Owner of TPI Solutions Ink. She is a graduate of RIT with a BS in Printing Management. Carrie has over 40 years experience in the printing industry.