4th of July and our Printing Company


4th-of-july-printing-companySo, I don’t know about you but I am getting pretty excited for the upcoming Independence Day holiday. Yes, the 4th of July weekend is almost upon us! Here at TPI Solutions Ink business tends to slow down a bit during the 4th of July week. For much of the country the 4th is the official kick off to the summer and summer vacations. It’s a time of the year that many people choose to take a break, slow down and enjoy time with friends and family. Normally during this week print orders don’t seem to be quite as urgent, clients don’t mind waiting an extra day or two for their jobs. In our printing company we build our schedule around the holiday, we plan for this break but, believe me, if a client needed us to work we certainly would. Some printing plants close down for the entire 4th of July week. We don’t close for the week at TPI but this year we are extending the holiday weekend.  We will be closed on Friday, July 1st and Tuesday, July 5th so that the entire staff can enjoy some down time and return on Wednesday the 6th refreshed, ready and raring to go. A bit of a boost for the soul you could say. 

This year I have been particularly looking forward to summer and the 4th of July. I am even beginning to think that this may be one of my favorite holidays and here’s why:

      • Friends and Family

      • Summer weather (fingers crossed)

      • The beach and the lake4th-of-july-printing-company

      • Barbeques and Beer

      • Swimming and Boating

      • Ice cream and S’mores

      • Parades

      • Fireworks


I would imagine that there are many other types of businesses that find the beginning of July to be a bit slower than the rest of the year. Do you find that things slow down during this time of year in your business? Does your company take advantage of this breather, close down or reduce hours? If this is a slower time of year in your line of work my advice is to take advantage of it. Refresh, rejuvenate and enjoy life outside of the daily grind. You won't be sorry.

About The Author

Carrie is currently the President and Co-Owner of TPI Solutions Ink. She is a graduate of RIT with a BS in Printing Management. Carrie has over 40 years experience in the printing industry.