Reflection: First Anniversary of TPI Solutions Ink Blog


printing-company-blogJune 10th marked the first anniversary of the
TPI Solutions Ink Blog. It’s hard to believe that a year has already passed, but it has and I am definitely still learning something new about blogging, inbound marketing and social media on a daily basis.

My very first blog post was about my daughter Emily’s high school graduation and the keepsake poster that we created for her here. I am happy to report that Emily has the poster hanging on her bedroom wall covered with autographs and well wishes from family and friends. She has successfully completed her first year of college and will soon be a sophomore. The post was rather brief but a good way to get my feet wet, it was a start and that's half the battle, right?

As I reflect on my blogging over the past year I will say that I have been pretty pleased with the results, especially the increased traffic to our website. As I look forward I know that there are things I need to improve upon. Number one is being consistent with the frequency of my posts. Why? Because there is a noticeable increase in traffic to our website right after posting a new blog article. My goal is to post once a week to keep that traffic steady and ultimately increase traffic. I aim to reach this goal in the next six months. So, dear readers, I am counting on you . . . I expect to be called out on this if it doesn’t happen! I also encourage you to comment on my posts. I'd love to hear what you think!

Are you blogging for your business? Do you consistently post new articles? How do you stay on track? Do you post on the same day or days each week or month? Did you have a favorite TPI Solutions Ink Blog post this year?

About The Author

Carrie is currently the President and Co-Owner of TPI Solutions Ink. She is a graduate of RIT with a BS in Printing Management. Carrie has over 40 years experience in the printing industry.